







The Beatles

[The Beatles][twocolumns]




1979: Wings’ rocking album Back To The Egg

1979: Wings’ rocking album Back To The Egg

The end of the seventies: A time of global economic crisis, high unemployment, the Cold War and vigorous protests against the placement o...
Macca's Gems: Bluebird

Macca's Gems: Bluebird

Jamaica has brought us a lot of beautiful music. And I am not even referring to reggae, which originates from the Caribbean island. Jamaic...
The Beatles Lyrics Quiz

The Beatles Lyrics Quiz

Do you recognize a Beatles song by just one line from the lyrics? Test your knowledge and let's see if you are an expert! More...
Flaming Pie To Be Next in Paul McCartney's Archive Collection?

Flaming Pie To Be Next in Paul McCartney's Archive Collection?

According to sources close to Paul McCartney’s company MPL, his solo album Flaming Pie will be the next installment of the Archive Collec...
2019: Amoeba Gig

2019: Amoeba Gig

Four live albums by Paul McCartney were re-released last month. Of those four, I decided to purchase only one, on vinyl. Of ‘ Wings Over A...
It's Official: Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Released In September

It's Official: Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Released In September

It’s official, on September 27 the expected 50th Anniversary Edition of the Beatles’ Abbey Road will be released worldwide. The album’s 17...
Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Edition: First Images Revealed

Abbey Road 50th Anniversary Edition: First Images Revealed

The first images of the expected 50th anniversary edition of the Beatles album Abbey Road are revealed, and it’s looking good! As known so...
16 parodies on the Abbey Road cover

16 parodies on the Abbey Road cover

There are few album covers that have been parodied as often as those of The Beatles’ Abbey Road. And because today is exactly fifty years ...